This is the Acceptable Use Policy for free shell accounts on any machine. You must obey it, or risk loosing access to such accounts. It is recommended that you check this site regularly to ensure that it has not changed.

The latter point probably needs some explanation.

I run this system in my spare time. If it is too much hassle to have you on my system I might delete your account instead of dealing with the problem. (This rule will not be invoked if you ask me questions - as long as you don't demand an answer quickly)

This system is on a "borrowed" bit of net connection of limited bandwidth, so if you use too much bandwidth, your account may be suspended and/or closed at short notice: if you think you might be using "too much" bandwidth then an email to before I notice will go a long way towards curbing my wrath.

Finally, this is a service offered on the basis that I can do pretty much whatever I like - about the only responsibility I feel towards you is to respect your privacy within the bounds of the law. This means that I won't read your email or your files (unless I have to in order to diagnose a system problem, or to comply with a court order, or for some other good reason), but I might delete them, your account, and your little dawg, too.

Try to have fun anyway!

Mike Bristow